
May I introduce myself: I am Pascal, almost 50 years old, married and father of Jana, my sweetest daughter (for sure I can add more superlatives). I live in Evergem (Belgium) and work as a police motorcycle inspector in Ghent.

Throughout my life, I have always had different hobbies and interests. Actually too many to mention. I jumped from heel to branch. A result is that I have gained a lot of knowledge and skills, but usually very superficial and short-lived.

During my school period, I was invariably one of the students who wrote with a fountain pen. In 2019 I discovered that I was still in possession of some of my fountain pens. By writing with it again, the interest in fountain pens rekindled. In 2020 I really started my new hobby: the fountain pen. I posted my findings on social media in the form of reviews.

For me it was a search for how I could best convey my hobby and how I could add value to the 'fountain pen' community. To give the child a name, I founded Pennen2020. I was active on Twitter, Instagram and had my own website in which I shared information and reviews. I bought new pens and ink every month and tried to produce a review regularly. The mere collecting of fountain pens I found rather short-sighted. I wanted to do something with it. So I immersed myself in everything one could do with a fountain pen: sketching, handwriting, doodling, .... I put a lot of time and energy into mastering this.

I bought new pens and ink every month and tried to produce a review regularly. The mere collection of fountain pens I found rather short-sighted. I wanted to do something with it. So I immersed myself in everything one could do with a fountain pen: sketches, handwriting. I put a lot of time and energy into mastering this. I also combined the fountain pen with crayons, charcoal, waterbrush, ... 

From 2021 I noticed that the pile of fountain pens, which had not yet been reviewed, was getting bigger and bigger. Because I was busy with other things, my fountain pen hobby got sidetracked. I hardly posted any new things on social media.

I also asked myself many questions about the usefulness of a collection of fountain pens, especially if a large part is still in their original packaging. But every time I write with a fountain pen, it gives me an indescribable feeling. Even when I walk past a store where fountain pens are in the shop window, I am attracted to it.

This convinced me not to give up my fountain pen hobby and to keep going for it. In the meantime, I have found an answer to many questions and I have an idea how I can become 'active' in the community again and contribute.

One of my goals was to get people excited about the fountain pen again. This should work quite well since we live in a period where there is a revival of old things. Enough haggling, time to act.

Where has my fountain pen hobby led me to date? Currently I have 81 fountain pens, of which I have reviewed 40. One way or another I try to post the old reviews on this blog. My most expensive pen costs €240, my cheapest €2. I bought most of my pens and ink online. As far as ink is concerned, in addition to a large number of cartridges, I own 35 ink bottles. To keep track of everything a bit, I register everything via notion, a very handy software tool.

To make it easy for me in the future, I will focus on the following with regard to the latest reviews: how is the price / quality? What about the writing performance? What does the pen look like? Would I buy the pen again? I will avoid writing useless information.

I mentioned earlier in this post that I do not want to limit myself to merely collecting pens. What will also be discussed is sketching with a fountain pen (in combination with other techniques and other drawing tools) and handwriting.

You will notice that I am very enthusiastic to pick up the thread again and get the most out of this hobby. So check my blog regularly! Happy readings!


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